What if you were one daily decision away from the person you dream of being? DL THe Future Self Journal to bring her to life.

Your Future Self Called...
She's Ready For You

DL The future self journal📝

He🏒🏒 yes!

the journal

Write, Here.


Blue journal on table with a cup of coffee.

As developing counselors, we become hyper-focused on the when. When will I be licensed? I urge that the more important question to ask is how. If we shift our focus to the question of how we become less fixated on a timeline and more invested in a process. The only way future, appointed-with-authority you can make an impact is if current, developing you is bold enough to confront the questions that need to be asked to lead you to the solutions you will contribute to bringing to fruition.

current insights

read now

The craft of writing is about the creative process of living, fully.
My hope is that you will find yourself in my story: that you will feel less alone, more encouraged, & leave with a notebook full of writing & editing strategies to bring you to the page all while embracing the possibility beyond it.

Welcome to The Journal


Hey, I'm Claire-Madeline. The only stranger you'd trust to read your journal.

I’m a writer, editor, and counselor who was raised by two generations of women in a town where four generations of my family had lived since they “got off the boat” from Italy, as they say. I’m all about identifying the unspoken narratives we’ve inherited, and doing the generational work of re-writing the story in what we write and how we live. There’s loss in this, but there’s also joy - there’s so much joy.

find yourself in my story in my monthly <3 to <3s

Start here!

Monthly Letters
Straight to Your Inbox

I believe that letter writing is *not* a dying art. (But I *am* thankful for the expediency of e-mail.)  Tell me your virtual address so you can receive my weekly letters. Part journal, part craft talk, 100% empowerment.

send 'em my way!

Let's Do The Work

I help you steward your journey home to yourself off the page as a mental health counseling graduate student intern. Learn how I work, book into a lets-get-to-know-eachother call, or hop on the waitlist here.

Visit my virtual office ->